Friends of Gaslands

Gaslands is my first tabletop wargame, and something I have poured more than two years of my life into.

I am blown away by the reaction to the game and so excited to see people enjoying playing it, and building post-apocalyptic cars for the game.

I’ve had a number of requests and suggestions for third-party accessories for the game. I always hoped this would be the case, and fully support it.

There are, inevitably, some questions of rights and ownership. For example, the designs of the templates, tokens, and skid dice icons, not to mention the rules of Gaslands themselves, are all my own creative work. What I wanted to do is publish some ground rules for people interested in making third-party accessories to make the process as easy as possible!

Check out the current Friends of Gaslands here!


If you want to produce your own accessories for Gaslands for your own personal use, then go ahead!  If, however, you want to produce and sell accessories for Gaslands, then there are four rules:

  1. You must be a Friend of Gaslands.
  2. Game Accessories are cool: Designing, producing and selling physical or digital tokens, cards, dice or other gaming accessories for Gaslands is permitted, so long as they don’t reproduce chunks of text from my rulebooks. Feel free to use my designs, or create your own, and sell them wherever and however you like. If you have an idea for something that isn’t on that list, just get in touch!
  3. Miniatures are likely cool, so long as they aren’t full vehicle kitsAccessories for converting toy cars (e.g. armour plates, gun turrets, weapons, drivers) and Terrain or scenic elements (e.g. wrecked vehicles, race gates) are permitted. If you want to produce Full Vehicle kits (or anything else, for that matter), then please get in touch and we can discuss things in more detail.
  4. Rules are likely cool: producing and selling zines that contain homebrew rules or scenarios is fine, as long as its unofficial status is clear. More book-like rules expansions, or anything that might reasonably be misinterpreted as such, are not permitted. That’s my domain!

I’ve kept the rules simple to make it as easy as possible for people to be creative, and if everyone sticks to them, Gaslands should grow and be a success for everybody. If people don’t follow the rules, I will remove their posts from the forums, official Facebook groups and so on.

Becoming a Friend of Gaslands

Becoming a Friend of Gaslands is easy: just support the Planet Smasher Games Patreon at the $4 a month level. You are a Friend of Gaslands for as long as you are a current Patreon backer.

Becoming a Friend of Gaslands does not constitute a licensing agreement for the Gaslands IP. By becoming a Friend of Gaslands, your accessories are not “official”, but it basically means that we’re cool, you are free to use the word “Gaslands” in your listing and keep any money you make from selling your accessories, and you can advertise through the official website, Facebook groups etc.


If you would like to, you may also use this little logo to show that you are a Friend of Gaslands:

Friends of Gaslands Logo (PNG)

If you want a Gaslands logo, here is one (click to download the full resolution image):


I’d like to make and sell Gaslands accessories, but I need to run a Kickstarter campaign in order to raise the funds to do that. May I use the Gaslands name on my Kickstarter?

No. A Kickstarter (or any crowd-funding) campaign using the Gaslands name is not within the terms of the friends scheme. The reason is that the crowd-funding campaign will be seen (wrongly but unavoidably) as part of the Gaslands official product line.

If you go to Kickstarter using a generic unbranded product description, such as “post apocalyptic racing accessories” and then successfully fund, you can use the Gaslands brand on your website once you are up and running using the Friends scheme, but not during theKickstarter.

What about the Astrolabe Kickstarter?

Astrolabe have licensed from Osprey the ability to produce the official French translation of the Gaslands: Refuelled rulebook and their Kickstarter campaign is to fund the production of that official translation.

The accessories Astrolabe are producing under the Friends of Gaslands scheme are no more official than any others – as noted on their campaign page.

Thanks for supporting Gaslands!
