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BLASTER 2020-2022
BLASTER was an indie tabletop gaming anthology that ran between 2020 and 2022, featuring contributions from some of the best indie designers working in miniature gaming. Collecting both expansions to the author’s existing games and new stand-alone skirmish games, BLASTER is an unique product in the world of tabletop miniature wargaming.

BLASTER featured the talents of Mike Hutchinson (Gaslands), Joseph McCullough (Frostgrave, Rangers of Shadow Deep, Oathmark), Ash Barker (Guerrilla Miniature Games, Last Days Zombie Apocalypse), Joey McGuire (Reality’s Edge, This is Not a Test), Sean Sutter (Relicblade) and Greg Horton (Graphic Designer).
It has now evolved into a platform for independent miniature games from up and coming designers (and some icons too).