Podcast Interviews

I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to many fine podcasts about my games. I archive the links to all the interviews here, mostly so I can find them again in the future!

Rule of Carnage

I have my own podcast, called RULE OF CARNAGE, with Glenn Ford. Find it on Youtube.


Jordan Sorcery (January 2025)

I chat games design, Citadel Journal and the origins of Hobgoblin with Jordan Sorcery

Worldcraft Club (August 2024)

I discuss how I think about world-building for games, and how it might differ from world-building for other kinds of narrative formats.

Tabletop Miniature Hobby Podcast (May 2024)

I discuss the Fundamentals of Tabletop Miniatures Games Design textbook, Hobgoblin and #chess28!

Bastionland Podcast (May 2024)

Chris McDowall of Into The Odd and Mythic Bastionland invited me onto his podcast to have a chat about three games that are really important to me. I had a blast chatting to Chris, and enthusing about these particular games.

Guerrilla Miniature Games (April 2024)

I recorded a pair of conversations with my good buddy Ash Barker from GMG.

Diecast Media Network (17 March 2024)

I chat to the guys at DMN, a podcast about diecast customs.

2+Tough (13 May 2023)

Man Battlestations (#81, 2 May 2023)

For episode 81, Andy has managed to secure an interview from Mr. Mike Hutchinson himself, the designer behind A Billion Suns from Osprey Publishing. Over the course of their discussion, Andy and Mike discuss the development of ABS, what lies ahead for the game, and what projects Mike is working on at present. Those new projects include a fantasy battles game he is Kickstarting, as well as a world-first announcement of a new naval game!

Tabletop Talk – Third Floor Wars #146 (4 November 2021)

Join Craig as he talks with Mike about the origins and process of creating his games. How did the innovative and elegant Gaslands and Billion Suns come into existence? Grab your matchbox cars and spaceship toys!

Cast Dice #133 (22 September 2021)

This week I am joined by two HUGE guests! Mike Hutchinson, the author of Gaslands and A Billion Suns, and Sean Sutter, the author of Relic Blade and Sludge War, come on the show to talk about the benefits of “indie” game design. As part of this discussion, we speak at length about the Blaster Game Anthologies and how, as publications, they give some of the industry’s most talented game creators the opportunity to explore and expand games in a new and interesting ways.

Esoteric Order of Gamers (2nd April 2021)

OnTableTop (23 February 2021)

Guerrilla Miniature Games (23 February 2021)

Paint All The Minis (#201, 19 February 2021)

In this episode I speak to Mike Hutchinson the author of the immensely popular Gaslands vehicular combat racing game and also, release over the last week, A Billion Suns. I wont talk too much about it here, as we do this in the show. But if it sounds interesting to you then great, if not then, hey no drama, it’s just fun talking to Mike about stuff and things.

Cast Dice (#111, 9 February 2021)

We are very excited to speak with the author of the incredibly popular game Gaslands, Mike Hutchinson, about his newest fleet combat game, A Billion Suns.

Tabletop Dropouts (3 February 2021)

In This episode Mike Hutchison of Osprey and Planet Smasher Games joins us to talk about A Billion Suns! His new Space Fleet battle game is Spess. If you are looking for a space fleet battle game, or you lamented the death of BFG. This episode is a good one.

Tabletop Dropouts #2021-03 (3rd February 2021)

In This episode Mike Hutchison of Osprey and Planet Smasher Games joins us to talk about A Billion Suns! His new Space Fleet battle game is Spess. If you are looking for a space fleet battle game, or you lamented the death of BFG. This episode is a good one.

Tabletop Dropouts #2020-18 (28 October 2020)

In this episode we sit down and have a nice chat with the Creator of Gaslands, Mystic Skies, and several Other Notable ventures by the King of Car Combat games himself Mike Hutchison.

Virtual Tabletop Gaming Live 2020 (27 September 2020)

Mike and Glenn chat about Mike’s new fleet battle game, A Billion Suns.

Paint All The Minis #144 (20th August 2019)

This episode I speak to Mike Hutchinson the writer of Gaslands, the post apocalyptic game of vehicular combat and racing, and also the upcoming game A Billion Suns which comes in 2020.

Bleeped Up Productions (10th February 2019)

Cast Dice #43 (4th December 2018)

In this exciting episode of Cast Dice, Brad (Old Man Morin) is rejoined by the author of the incredibly popular game Gaslands! The guys talk about game development, the phenomenal growth of Gaslands and its community before getting stuck into Mike’s next game, a fleet building game called A Billion Suns. Check it out, Mike is a great guest and we always love having him on to talk shop!

Meeples & Miniatures #235 (27th November 2017)

The Meeples crew get together once again to talk about what they have been up to in the past couple of weeks, including games played, miniatures painted and perhaps the odd purchase or two. For the feature part of our show we chat with Mike Hutchinson, author of the new post-apocalyptic racing game rules from Osprey Publishing, Gaslands.

Cast Dice #3 (15th November 2017)

Return the the wastelands of post apocalyptic car combat gaming with Old Man Morin as he interviews the author of Osprey’s newest miniature game, GASLANDS! The guys talk through what it is like to create your own game from scratch, the “historical” background to the game’s world and about the mechanics of the game itself. Strap into your crash harness, scream “Witness Me” and hold on tight! It is a wild episode of Cast Dice!

Fools Daily #283 (24th September 2015)

In which Mike and Lee talk to Mike Hutchinson (@crikeymiles) about Gaslands, his Mad Max inspired car combat game. Surprises and excitement abound in the episode but you shall have to listen so that he can explain everything that is going on himself. Tease isn’t it.