About Planet Smasher Games

Planet Smasher Games is an independent tabletop games studio founded by Mike Hutchinson in 2015. We make unreasonably fun tabletop miniature games, including Gaslands (Osprey, 2017 & 2019), A Billion Suns (Osprey, 2021), Hobgoblin (Electi, 2023) and many more!

My Games

I have a habit of writing about myself in the third-person, but Planet Smasher Games is mostly just me (Mike) with help from good friends, like Glenn Ford, and my awesome communities.

I am constantly and obsessively write tabletop miniature games. Some, like the above, are published through major publishers, and some, like Perilous Tales – Thrilling Solo Adventures are currently available direct from me, as Early Access titles.

My Ethos

I produce exceptionally good rules for tabletop miniature games. I seek to prioritise gameplay above everything, delivering surprising, fun and highly re-playable tabletop experiences.

I believe my games are great because I use modern product development techniques, iterate fast, hold nothing sacred, and test everything I do with large numbers of real players.

My Teaching

I love to reflect on the skills I am learning and share those learning with others. Three ways I do that are through my podcast, Rule of Carnage, its related community of miniatures games designers, the Rule of Carnage Discord, and my textbook, The Fundamentals of Tabletop Miniature Games Design (2024), published through Routledge.