If you are in the UK and want to get involve in the FIRST EVER GASLANDS TOURNAMENT, be sure to check out weekend tickets for BonesCon!
We will be running demos all Friday and Sunday, and a 8-16 player tournament on the Saturday!
Also, come drink beer and chat about toy cars with me! Weekend tickets are £50, available here.
Tournament Details
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gaslands-tournament-bonescon-tickets-42950027689
The Gaslands Tournament at BonesCon on Saturday 17 February 2018 will begin at midday.
The event comprises of two rounds. Each round will use the Death Race scenario and last 120 mins. There will be two tables, each hosting four players.
After the first round, the top two players from both tables will form the winners bracket, and race together, the remaining players will race in the runners-up bracket. There will be prizes of Gaslands swag for the top two players in the winners bracket and also for the winner of the runners-up bracket.
Teams will be 50 cans, using all advanced rules, and we’ll provide teams to borrow if you have none.
You can find the full organised play rules for Gaslands on our downloads page.