Microgame Released (and free to Patreon backers)

My plan is to start released early access versions of my games, as well as prototypes and microgames. I will charge a small amount of money for them, as believe my art and my work has value. I want to give them to my Patreon backers for free, as a thank you for supporting me, and have been looking for a way to do that automatically.


It looks like combined Patreon and Itch.io might be right combination of technologies to achieve that.

If you are a Patreon backer, you should see this post. If you chip in at a Bronze level or above, you should be able to follow the link about and claim the game for free.

This particular game is a goofy microgame I wrote after binges a half-dozen 1960s wargaming books, and it is thus written in a fairly specific style. 

If you see this post, please have a crack at downloading the game, and if it’s not behaving as expected, please drop a comment below, as I’d love to know!


