Today's thrilling adventure sees our heroes battling The Voodoo Cult, deep in the English Countryside.

The objectives are Find the Precious, Get Evidence, and Destroy the Idol.

Local Threats

6) Putrid Stench

This threat marker remains in play. All heroes within 6" suffer disadvantage on all attack actions.

7) Disaster Strikes

When revealed, the revealer suffers a skill 7 attack. If this attack does one or more wounds, the model is knocked down. Discard this threat marker after revealing.

8) Utterly Horrible

When revealed, the revealer and every hero within 6” of the threat marker must make a horror check with disadvantage, treating this threat marker as the closest villain. Discard this threat marker after revealing.



Find the Precious

Before the game starts, take five playing cards from a standard pack, exactly one of which should be an Ace. Shuffle them to form the Precious Object Search Deck. If a hero on the villainous half of the table makes a successful Interact action with a piece of terrain that has not already been searched, they search the terrain: reveal the top card of the Search Deck. If the revealed card is the Ace, discard the Ace and place a Precious Object objective token in the possession of the active model. Otherwise, discard the card. At the end of the game, if there is a Precious Object token in the possession of a surviving hero: score 3 points.

Get Evidence

A hero with the Photographer trait may take the following action:

(2) Take Photograph: Skill test. Range 6”. If a hero successfully takes this action against a master, place an Evidence objective token next to the model. The first time the Take Photograph action is taken in the game, increase the current threat level by 1.

At the end of the game, if at least one model is alive and in possession of an Evidence objective token: score 3 points.

Destroy the Idol

Objective marker: Deploy a 30mm Idol marker (or a suitably sized item of terrain) within 6” of the centre of the board, on the villainous half of the table and at least 3” from any other objective marker. Note: if you have multiple objectives that refer to an Idol marker, use a single Idol marker shared by all objectives. After placing threat markers during setup, randomly select a threat marker and place it in contact with the Idol, and as close to the villainous board edge as possible, before the game starts.

During play, the Idol marker always counts an unrevealed threat marker for the purposes of villainous behaviour. The Idol marker may be targeted by Hand-to-Hand and Dynamite attacks. All attacks against the Idol marker have a minimum difficulty of 6. The Idol marker has 10 wounds, after which it is destroyed and removes from play. The first time in the game the heroes successfully attack the Idol marker: raise the Threat Level by 2. If the Idol has been destroyed score 3 points.