The Rule of Carnage

Tabletop Miniatures Game Prototyping Toolkit

Write a new tabletop miniatures game in seconds!

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This toolkit is as a rapid prototyping tool, allowing you to generate the skeleton of a tabletop miniatures game in moments. It also exists to make the point that if a design simply reorganises common mechanical tropes into a new order, it is unlikely to be an effective design. Effective game design tightly integrates its core ideas with mechanics to shape the players' experiences.

This toolkit builds on the ideas found in our upcoming book: The Fundamentals of Tabletop Miniatures Game Design.

This toolkit doesn’t create interesting games, it creates functional ones. It can be used as a starting point or as an inspiration. It isn't quite finished yet and will be developed over the next few months.

Public Domain

This toolkit Tabletop Miniatures Game Prototyping Toolkit by Glenn Ford and Mike Hutchinson is offered in the public domain via CC0 1.0 Universal. We waive all of our rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform either the output or the code of this toolkit, even for commercial purposes, with no permission or attribution required. Download the code on Github.

Roll up a new game